Monday Bitez with the Food Trucks at Lancaster City Park

Picture by Katie Wilson
Mondays are the most dreaded day of the week. Students despise having to go to school after the weekend, and adults would rather not return to work. Monday Bitez in Lancaster could change the community’s outlook on this undesirable day.
Monday Bitez in Lancaster provides food and entertainment from 5 P.M. to 9 P.M. This event is complete with a wide array of food trucks, balloon animals, face painting, music, and even Monday Night Football. It can be found at the Lancaster City Park, located off of 10th Street West and K-8.
The food trucks are the main attraction, and they travel here from all over Southern California. They provide a large variety of options including Greek, Argentinian, and Salvadorian food. Mexican food is a recurring choice with everything from tamales to nachos, while the Korean truck offers different types of sushi. The generic American food is represented through hot dogs, burgers, and there is even a truck that specializes in macaroni and cheese. Desserts can range from cupcakes to frozen custards.
Omayra Dakis, the woman who founded this affair, said that she organizes events like the Monday Bitez in other cities. One day, she came up with the idea of a multitude of food trucks assembling in Lancaster. She went to the City of Lancaster and requested to start the event in the park. Fortunately, her idea was approved. Dakis states, “The first week, about 5,000 people came and the trucks sold out after the first two hours.” This proves that the community is interested in the idea and enjoys it. After the first week, business has slowed, but the event still attracts two to three thousand people per week.
Jerry Frailest, a Quartz Hill High School alumni, tries to attend the Monday Bitez event about twice a month. He likes that it is a new attraction in the Antelope Valley that provides entertainment. He says that he talks about it at work and recommends it to his friends and family. Frailest states, “My favorite truck is the New York Deli truck.” Unfortunately, the trucks switch off so this specific one is not always at the park.
Christa Hampton and Emily Hodges are two friends who attended this event for the first time. They purchased food from the Authentic Mex and Tackle Box trucks. Hodges expressed, “I would definitely recommend this event to a family with children or even dogs.” The trucks are set up next to the playground, allowing children to play while their parents enjoy the football game or music.
Wendy Hazwaski is the owner of the Blast Ice Cream truck. This truck is unique because they make the ice cream right there in front of buyers. Using liquid nitrogen, they freeze the ingredients to a negative 320 degrees. Not only does this make it cold, but it also makes the ice cream smooth and creamy. Their ice cream is made from scratch, and all of their ingredients are organic. Hazwaski states, “At the moment, this is the only mobile liquid nitrogen ice cream shop in California.” This fact makes the truck even more extraordinary because it is different from any other ice cream
Overall, this event is a great way to spend quality family time experiencing something new. The food trucks, Monday Night Football, and the music makes this event memorable and fun for people of all ages. Everyone should grab a blanket and chairs and come out to enjoy this spectacular affair.

Hello, my name is Katie Wilson. I am the Advertising Director for the Ubiquity. When I am not doing school work, I like baking and obviously eating what...