Spanish Club Presents the Day of the Dead Dance
Picture by Amrita Sandhu
The Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday celebrated on October 31 to November 2nd to honor the loved ones that have passed away. The Quartz Hill High Spanish Club is planning to celebrate on November 10th by hosting the “Dia de los Muertos Dance” in the small gym from 7-11 pm.
Spanish Club president Quetzali Garcia discussed how the idea of the dance originated: “We came up with the idea as a whole after Señora Reyes told us that the officers in the past tried to put one together, but it never worked out. After asking several students if they thought it was a good idea and if they would want to go, we decided to go for it.”
Spanish Club began preparing for this event on the third week of school by submitting the paperwork and fundraising through the Homecoming Carnival, its main source of profit for the event. Garcia reached out to a former Spanish Club member to DJ at the dance. In addition, she involved the club members during the meetings in making decisions and asked who would be willing to volunteer and help with the arrangement of the event.
The advisor, Señora Reyes, shares her thoughts on the dance: “I think it will be great. We are hoping that we get quite a bit of support and a lot of students to attend. They seem to be excited and looking forward to it since we are doing the Day of the Dead theme even though it is on November 10th.” The club is planning to advertise more as the day approaches by handing out flyers and having members spread the word around school.
During the dance, there will be one hour shifts with two people at each door either selling water or face painting. The president believes that the water will sell out quickly due to all of the dancing that will be occurring.
In order to encourage dancing, there will be a limited number of places to sit. A previous dance applied the same concept and the idea worked. Security guards were surprised with the number of people that were out on the dance floor rather than just sitting around.
The club’s president, as well as most of its members, have been wanting to go on more field trips this year. As a result, the money that is gained from the Dia de los Muertos dance will go towards the funding of the field trips.
The Spanish Club is looking forward to this event and hopes that it will be successful enough to host another dance in the following semester.

Hello, my name is Amrita Sandhu. After school, I usually do homework, dance, play violin, or golf. Still, the majority of my time is spent watching a lot...