Underappreciated Quartz Hill Staff
Quartz Hill High School is massive with over three thousand students on campus. The staff at Quartz Hill works hard to provide a quality education while ensuring safety. When the word “staff” comes to mind, people usually think of the teachers or administrators, but there are others who are integral to the operation of the school.
The custodians and maintenance team help keep the campus clean and beautiful. The security keeps students safe from outside intruders and each other. The secretaries complete multiple tasks while still making visitors feel welcome. The health clerks keep the students healthy, while the cafeteria servers provide students with nutritious food. All of these people keep the school functioning. The office staff is another important group that makes a difference on campus.
Ms. Morrow is the library media technician at Quartz Hill. She is in charge of the books, computers, and printers in the library. She helps students research using the Chromebooks and teaches them to use the printers. She often helps teachers in the classroom, and she is a proctor during tests.
Ms. Morrow has worked at Quartz Hill for ten years and has been in the district for nineteen years. She enjoys the students and says it is a pleasure to help them. Ms. Morrow noted, “The most difficult part of my job is distributing textbooks.” A few years ago, Quartz Hill lost the textbook clerk, which was a full time job, and now Ms. Morrow takes care of the work of the textbook clerk and of the library media technician.
Ms. Malone is the Activity Secretary on campus. She oversees the facilities around the campus. If a club or organization requests to use the gym or the cafeteria, they go through her. She also organizes many activities on campus. She is relatively new to the staff of Quartz Hill and loves working with the students. She explained, “ The hardest part of my job is when I can not give someone what they want.”
Ms. Duke is a Guidance Clerk at Quartz Hill. She helps to register new students, and she coordinates the appointments with the counselors. She has worked in multiple positions around campus for ten years. She enjoys the students, but difficult parents can sometimes be the hardest part of her job.
The front office receptionist on campus is Ms. Anderson. When people enter the school, she is the first one to see them. If someone suspicious comes on campus she is the first the notify security. Also, she directs students and parents to the correct destination, so they do not get lost. Other duties include helping with the announcements, bulletin, calendar, and slideshows in the office. Ms. Anderson works as a backup for when the health, guidance, or attendance office needs help. She deals with the incoming and outgoing mail. In addition, she trains the secretary TAs by teaching them to be polite and showing them how to do common jobs.
Ms. Anderson has worked at Quartz Hill for thirteen years. She likes to help her TAs with homework and lead them on the right path for college. She explained, “The hardest part of my job is not having enough time in the day.” She has much to do in so little time.
As you can see, the office staff works hard to make Quartz Hill a great school. Everyone from the librarian to the secretary makes a difference on campus. We are lucky to have such dedicated staff.

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