Preview of Open Mic Night
Picture by Amrita Sandhu
On Wednesday, February 15th, Quartz Hill High School will be having its very own Open Mic Night. This is an event free of charge that will be held in the library from 5-7 p.m. The sole purpose of this event is to allow students to show off their talents by singing, speaking, playing instruments, and even dancing. The chairwoman for this occasion is Kayla McDonald and her ASB committee includes Brandon Moreno, Hayley Knight, Izzy Flores, Camille Jakeway, Danielle Sebastian, Iezille Diaz, Brittany Pinion, and Sam Blanchard.
During the event, the committee will be responsible for providing the M.C., as well as handling the spotlights and the snacks. Snacks are available to everyone free of charge. New committees are created in ASB when short terms without a chairman or chairwoman position are chosen by the council to create a new committee. These positions are chosen in terms of seniority.
The first step involved in hosting Open Mic Night is choosing the theme; the committee chose “Rainy Daze.” After time was spent on finding inspiration online, the board began to create their decorations. “I want to keep the decorations as a secret for now only because I really want it to be surprising for the students,” said Kayla McDonald.
To be a performer at Open Mic Night all that is required is to sign up either prior to the event on the door of room 102 or even during the event there will be a sign up sheet. Sophomore Jeremy Telezing shares a preview of his performance: “I will be performing an original song I wrote called ‘I’d Still Stare at You.’ Out of all the songs I have written, this one appealed to me the best because the word play is crafty, the song is powerful, and it tells a personal story from my life. I am slightly nervous, as I am not sure what to expect, as this is my first Open Mic Night. I hope it goes well and I can put on the best performance possible.” Participants of Open Mic Night most likely feel similar to Telezing, as it requires confidence to perform in front of an audience consisting mostly of peers.
Kayla McDonald discussed her aspirations for the event as the chairwoman: “Having this position, my goal is to have spectacular decorations and to have numerous performers as well as a larger audience.” Open Mic Night is a great opportunity for students to display their talents to their fellow peers or to come and support the performers.

Hello, my name is Amrita Sandhu. After school, I usually do homework, dance, play violin, or golf. Still, the majority of my time is spent watching a lot...