Baseball’s Newest Star: Ryan Sanders
Picture by Inderpreet Laly
Ryan Sanders
As usual, the Quartz Hill Boys Varsity Baseball Team continues to have an outstanding season. Throughout this year, many young players have become upcoming stars, one of them being Ryan Sanders. Standing at 5’10 tall, Sanders is intimidating to other teams as soon as he steps on the field. With a strong arm, Ryan hits the balls out of sight in a blink of an eye and throws a fast pitchto incoming batters. Coached by Mr. Kavanagh, Sanders and his teammates excel on the field.
Sanders shines not only on the field, but also in the classroom, the living example of a student athlete. He does exceptionally well in subjects such as Algebra 2/Trig and Spanish 2.
Sanders discussedhis hard work on the field, which equally matches his efforts in the classroom. He stated, “I work very hard in class, but I make sure that does not affect my game. I always try to give a hundred percent during every practice so I do not let my team down.” Sanders tries to practice at every chance possible in hopes of gaining an edge on his opponents.
Sanders went on to describe the beginning of his love for baseball: “I started playing in the second grade. My parents wanted me to try different sports as I was growing up, and I liked baseball the most. After falling in love with baseball, I could not stop playing on the fields near my home with friends. Eventually, after years of playing, I got better at the sport.” Currently, Ryan plays as the left fielder and the pitcher for the Quartz Hill High School Boys Varsity Baseball Team.
Ryan stated, “I think we have had a good season so far, and we are looking to go as deep as we can in the playoffs. This year, our team has focused on batting and our scoring techniques. I hope by improving these we can really do some damage during CIF.”
Ryan also spoke highly of his teammates, describing them as “reliable and cooperative people that I can always count on.”
The Quartz Hill Rebels are having an amazing season, and we can expect great things from Ryan Sanders and the Quartz Hill Boys Varsity Baseball Team in the near future.

Hello, my name is Noor Gill. I am the brother of Sim Gill, who use to be a staff writer at the QHHS Ubiquity, which is the main reason I joined. I like...