What Happens at Karaoke Night?
Picture by Amrita Sandhu
Last Wednesday, May 10th, Quartz Hill High School hosted its annual Karaoke Night with the theme “Disco Night.” This event was held in the Library from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m., free of charge with an ASB card and one dollar without. Karaoke Night was put on by ASB and people had a good time and participated by singing. The Committee Chair for this event was Carlos Salazar and his ASB committee included Victoria Ronga, Christabel Odoi, Jennifer Penaloza, Seerat Chawla, Mya Adolphus, Kevin Flores, Eileen McGregor, Chelsea Ogunmowo, Tatum Turner, Triveni Patel, and Karina Patel.
Committee Chair Carlos Salazar stated how he received his position: “I was the committee chair or the person in charge of the event. I got the position by chance. Nobody was in charge of it, and two other people wanted to chair it. Mr. Manthey, the ASB advisor, made the three of us pick a number and the number that was lowest received the position. I got the lowest number.”
During this event, there were shifts for tickets, food, and a song station. Two people were in charge for each shift, which lasted for an hour and fifteen minutes. In total, there were only two shifts for each job, but no particular person was in charge for each shift.
To participate in Karaoke Night, one was required to simply show up to the event. The sign-up sheet was posted during the event at the song station, and both committee members at the station had a job. One member recorded the song and artist while the other ensured the lyrics were clean.
Performer Caitlyn Reyes shared her experience at Karaoke Night: “I sang when ‘When I Was Your Man’ by Bruno Mars. I chose that song because it was simple and easy to sing. Plus, I knew everyone would sing along. The biggest struggle in the performance was just starting the song. Everyone had their attention on you making it pretty nerve wracking. I would say the event was really successful. It ran smoothly and everyone was happy to be there. It was really fun, we all sang our hearts out.”
ASB began preparing for the event about two months in advance, the beginning of fourth quarter. Decorations such as paper lanterns, door beads, and tea lights were ordered online. During a workday, the committee made letters that spelled out “Karaoke.” Food was bought on the day of the event, consisting of chips and Capri Sun.
Carlos Salazar discussed his final thoughts on the event as Committee Chair: “ I think Karaoke Night went very well. More people showed up than I expected, and everyone seemed to have a good time. I also received a lot of compliments from a lot of different people and no complaints.” Karaoke Night definitely turned out to be a success with a turnout of 80 people. This was a great event to enjoy oneself and support fellow Rebels.

Hello, my name is Amrita Sandhu. After school, I usually do homework, dance, play violin, or golf. Still, the majority of my time is spent watching a lot...