What’s The Deal With the New Parking Lot?
If you’re one of the many students who drives to Quartz Hill every day, you may have well noticed the lack of space given by our four parking lots. Due to overflow, many students rely on parking along the streets surrounding the school. However, with the plans set forth to build multiple commercial businesses around the school, the need for parking spaces on school grounds has been recognized. Thus, our staff has taken steps towards changing this situation by forming the blueprint for a renovation.
The plans for this project were first submitted last Spring and are in its final stages of approval. The blueprints for said renovation (given) are available in the Administration Office for students to see.
Discussing the parking lot scenario, Principal Anderson said, “We’re trying to stay ahead of what’s coming”
There are many advantages that come with expanding the parking here at Quartz Hill. Obviously, more students will be able to park on-campus, and the extra room will, hopefully, lead to less crowding before and after school. Traffic is always the major complaint regarding the parking lots, and this new plan may be able to better direct it.
Additionally, other benefits include reduced water usage, as all of the grass will be removed. To make up for loss of the only landscaping we have, some desertscape will be added along L and 60th, similar to that at AVC. Unfortunately, there will be no new solar panels added to the parking lot. It could possibly be added in the future, but as of now, it is not an option.
However, there has still been some hesitation from students. Concern for the marching band had arisen, as their practice area happens to be the grassy area that is expected to be removed. “They will have a place to practice,” Principal Anderson explained. “We’ll work around it.” He expects to move them to the football field, where they will have ample room to practice their routine without interruption.
Although new scheduling will have to be figured out due to how often sports teams practice on the football field, this change may not be so bad. “I like it, simply because you’re able to be in the exact same environment that you’re performing in,” explained Mariah Gifford, a member of the band. It may be a little extra work to bring out the instruments to the back of the school, but practicing on the field could prove extremely beneficial.
Another aspect that some are uneasy about is when this all will be happening. If construction were to start while school is in session, how would that affect those who park in the 100 parking lot? It would be an even bigger disaster if an entire lot were closed down due to the renovations, as it would be impossible to accommodate for the students who would temporarily lose parking.
Nevertheless, our principal confirmed that if the project does not start during a break, such as Winter Break or Summer vacation, the 100 quad lot would still be open to drivers. After the new extension is completed, then work to resurface the existing parking lot would commence, so there will always be space at the front to park. Of course, the ideal time for construction would be when school is out, but the dates of renovation are determined by the final approval of the Division of State Architect.
Overall, both staff and students alike seem to agree that this updated parking is definitely necessary. With a school so large, we need to provide all the space for parking that we can, especially if things are only going to get busier with the plans to build new markets nearby.

Alyssa Hoffman is a high school student that is just trying her best. She joined the Ubiquity staff her junior year because she has an interest in writing...

This is Sydney Smith. She joined journalism her junior year after being forced into it by the one and only Cody Wilson. Sydney is a struggling musician...