QHHS Second Win Against Rival HHS
Picture by Jennifer Quijada
The most anticipated game of the football season took place on Friday, October 20th. Quartz Hill High School and Highland High School met once again for the ultimate rivalry game. To make things more interesting, it was Highland’s homecoming game. The Bulldogs had hope that their team would come up on top in response to last year’s rivalry game, where Quartz Hill won the difficult match in the very last second. However, the Rebels won the game again this year, with a final score of 42 to 18.
The Rebels came into the game with a positive mindset, despite the challenges faced with the weather that day. Strong gusts and cold fall temperatures were expected to affect the mood of the players and their audience. However, the teams persevered, and the stands were full of excited teenagers ready to watch the rivals go head to head. QHHS scored the first touchdown, and the enthusiasm in the crowd sky rocketed.
Sophomore Michael Moussa shared his perspective of the game as an audience member: “It was an intense game. We were all on our toes hoping that we will beat the Bulldogs again this year. I was a little worried due to the strong winds and how they might affect the players, but I knew in my heart that we would come out victorious. It was definitely a memorable night.”
Kiran Jain, a varsity football player at Quartz Hill High School, expressed what it was like to be on the field that day. “We all came in with the mentality that we were going to take the win,” he said, and that’s exactly what happened. He also mentioned, “Trash talk was going back and forth throughout the entire game despite the score. But, it was a rival game so what do you expect?”
An interesting and controversial decision made by the team was their choice in uniform. Many students in the stands had noticed that the Rebel team wore their home jerseys at an away game. A JV football player from Quartz Hill, who preferred to remain anonymous, said that the reason behind this was for QHHS to convey the message that “no matter where the Rebels go, it is our home, and we will dominate the field.”
Quartz Hill was dominant in all aspects that night, down to the victory in the week long fundraiser at the local Chick-fil-A. The two schools competed with one another to see which could raise the most money for their school. The task was simple: students had to purchase food from Chick-fil-A and tell their cashier which school they support. The school with the most supporters would win. Thereafter, our principal, Matt Anderson, had the pleasure of pieing Highland’s Principal, Dr. Greddo, in the face during half time as a reward for winning the challenge.
Overall, it was a successful night for the QHHS Rebels. Our team did not disappoint us, and they continued on with their perfect record. We have faith that they will lead us to the championships this year.

Hello, my name is Aleksandra Brajanovska! I am of Macedonia descent, and I am trilingual. I spend my free time reading, watching mystery shows, and going...

Hi, I'm Jen and I love to paint, play the piano, and take photos (obviously). My life isn't that interesting so that's all I'm saying.