QHHS Students Show Off at Talent Show
Picture by Jennifer Quijada
November 11, 2017
On Thursday, November 2nd, Quartz Hill High School hosted its annual Talent Show. This event was located in the Small Gym from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m., free of charge for all. The purpose of this show was for students to display their talents in front of their peers as well as to have a good time.
ASB began to prepare for this occasion four weeks in advance, in the beginning of October. A short-term committee was created with Taylor Heckenliable as chairwoman. Her committee included Ashley Rodriguez, Jonah Kinittle, Lauren Reid, Makenna Morlee, Meghan Bowers, Sophia Merrill, Timothy Kelley, and Wyatt Gagnon. ASB creates short-term committees to help organize, decorate, and ensure that the event runs smoothly.
Committee Chair Taylor Heckenlaible explained how she attained her position: “The President of ASB, Samantha Blanchard, asked me if I wanted to chair this committee. This was an opportunity I could not pass up, so I had to say yes.”
In order to have performed, students were required to sign-up and successfully pass the audition process. In this process, students performed in front of a panel of five ASB members.
Performer Caitlyn Reyes reflected on her experience at the Talent Show: “I performed a solo song “Make You Feel My Love” by Adele. I specifically picked this song because I think my voice goes better with ballads. I believe my performance went well. However, my self-criticism would have been to not fidget with my hands so much and have a better stage presence. […] I have horrible stage fright, so my goal was to do the thing I love most without having a mental breakdown.”
During the event, the committee was responsible to uphold their shifts. Three people took in props for each act, one person controlled the spotlight, one person supervised sound, and two people were MC’s.
Taylor Heckenlaible discussed her final thoughts on the event as chairwoman: “My goal was to get as many students involved and have them show off their talents. I do believe it was a good turnout. Many friends came to support their friends performing in the show.” The Talent Show resulted in a successful night where Rebels showcased their talents. This was a great opportunity for students to support their fellow peers and enjoy themselves.