Quartz Hill All-Comers Track Meet
Picture by Aleksandra Brajanovska
February 2, 2018
The 2017-2018 track season commenced early in January. To kick the season off, Quartz Hill High School hosted a fundraiser-style, all-comers track meet on Saturday, January 27. The all-comers track meet was open to all age groups and all event players. Every athlete present had the opportunity to race and compete against others. Each attendee was charged a $5 dollar fee, regardless of whether they were an athlete, a volunteer, or just an observer, and all proceeds went towards the Quartz Hill track team. In order to raise more funds for the team, Quartz Hill also organized a booth where they sold energy drinks and light snacks for all those present.
Athletes came from schools ranging from Los Angeles, Alemany, and local Antelope Valley schools in order to showcase their skills and compete against one another in the many events that took place. The athletes raced in the 60-meter dash, 60-meter hurdle, 200-meter dash, 300 meters, and 1600 meter race. There were also field events such as the long jump, high jump, and pole vault, in which only certain age groups participated in due to the risk of serious injury.
Although it was only a practice meet, Quartz Hill put its best foot forward. Thomas Ortega is one of the many Quartz Hill runners that participated at the meet. Ortega feels that he personally “did really good, seeing as [he] had just come off of a slight injury and a really hard training week. If the competition had been sooner, [his] times would have been better.”

Alfred Moore, another Quartz Hill athlete, had a good start to the season, winning his heat of the 60-meter dash, with a time of 7.66 seconds. Evan Fisette came in second place with a time of 7.71 seconds. The competition is stiff between the two. Moore states that “it’s on and off between Evan and [himself]… one day [Moore] is faster, then the next day [Fisette] is faster.”
There were also Quartz Hill students who volunteered their time in order to help the event prosper. Daniel Cho was one of the many who attended and helped organize some of the field events. He stated, “I had a good time helping out at the long jump station.” He and other volunteers were in charge of raking the sand in the long jump pit and measuring the distance the athletes jumped. He noted, “It was a cool experience seeing how other Quartz Hill sports function outside of the gym.” Cho is a basketball player, so he does not get to witness or participate in other sports that often.
Saturday’s meet was such a success that the coaches plan on organizing another all-comers meet in the near future. Saturday’s fundraiser raised over $700 dollars for Quartz Hill’s track program and the money will be used towards any team needs. More information is to come shortly regarding the follow-up all-comers meet. Until then, we wish the team the best of luck in this year’s season.