Preparation for AP Judgement Day

February 21, 2018
The end of the school year is around the corner, and students in AP classes have started the long process of preparation for the big test in the spring. Teachers are putting together Saturday study sessions and other helpful review guides for the students to utilize. However, each student is different and has their own way of getting themselves ready for the exam.
Students at Quartz Hill High School have been using multiple techniques in preparation for the dreaded AP tests that take place in April. While some mainly depend on teachers to prepare them for the exam, others receive extra help by obtaining various study guides, hiring tutors, or by spending a little extra time on complicated lessons.
Makayla Dorman, a junior at Quartz Hill, said, “This year has been my first year of taking AP classes. I have AP Calculus AB and AP English. In English, we’ve been working on essays and multiple choice questions. In calculus, we’ve also been working on free response and multiple choice questions. I think my teachers have done pretty well to prepare me for the test, and I am definitely ready.”
Student Tyler Sinness also says, “I’m in AP English, and I’ve actually been going to a tutor to help me with the free response questions and essays. Mr. Mahady has also been preparing us for the test with his multiple choice exams and weekly timed writes.”
A common piece of advice that AP teachers give to their students is to purchase AP test preparation books and study the material. The Barron’s and Princeton Review books appear to be popular prep volumes at Quartz Hill High School. Students can also look back at old lessons and take a glimpse of what the actual AP tests look like by using the variety of practice exams the books provide.
AP English teacher Mr. Jenison said, “It’s a long process to prepare students for the AP test. I encourage my students to buy their own books and do their own studying outside of school. In class, we utilize all the training I received for the AP exams. All AP teachers go to these meetings where we receive resources from tests in the past and learn about practice tests and essays. I believe the most useful resource we’ve received is access to past students’ essays and a chance to review them with present students.”
Mrs. Manthey, the AP Biology teacher at Quartz Hill High School, prepares her students for the test by constantly giving her students practice exams. Mrs. Manthey stated, “The best thing you can do to study for the AP test is to take as many practice exams as possible to expose yourself to the material even more. The AP Biology test is one of the hardest exams to get a 5 on, and practicing the concepts will only help you score better.”
AP testing does bring a lot of stress into the lives of students. However, teachers provide their students with different techniques to help them score a passing grade on the exam. Good luck to all who will be taking an AP exam in a few months.