Dance Team

By Natali Josevska, Staff Writer

The Rebel Dance Team is a very successful, yet unrecognized, group at Quartz Hill High School. This season was especially important to the team because they faced several challenges. The returning dancers had to make a big transition this season because they got a new coach, new choreographers, and new dancers. Although it was a difficult change for the majority of the dancers, they worked together as a team and worked hard to achieve their goals.

Similar to many other activities on the Quartz Hill campus, the Dance Team attends a practice camp over the summer to train for the next season of competitions. “Summer Dance Camp is an amazing experience for Rebel dancers because it really helps us with our technique, ability to pick up choreography, and performance. It also helps with team bonding and overall is an amazing experience,” said sophomore dancer Elizabeth Hadden.

Throughout the course of the year, the Dance Team has attended three different competitions. The team managed to place at each competition and even received several first-place awards and trophies. For team member Dyamond Turner, the competition was “an environment set for people to improve and learn new techniques and styles of dance.”

The Dance Team has an event where they display all of their dances. On Friday May 4th, the QHHS Dance Team hosted their Spring Show in the large gym. “Spring show is a great way for us to show our school what all of our hard work was going into. It is also a great way for us to end the year by doing all of our dances that originally brought us together. And lastly, we will see the end result of our hard work by performing one last time in front of the people we love,” said Turner.

The family that Dance Team has formed is like no other team on campus. Hadden states, “Dance Team is unique compared to the other teams on campus because we are a group filled with amazing girls who all have the same passion to express ourselves through the different arts and styles of dance.”

As this school year comes to an end, the Rebel Dancers begin to think about how they could improve their team for the following season. Turner is determined to create more days where her team can spend quality time together, rather than only seeing each other at rehearsals. Additionally, Turner wants her teammates to have the opportunity to voice their concerns to the coach anonymously so that issues could be easily resolved. Hopefully, these plans will be carried out so the team can become even more prepared for future seasons. Wish our team luck on their competitions and dance routines!