American Horror Story: Apocalypse
Picture by Josephine Nadolny
September 23, 2018
September 12th of 2018 marked the beginning of a new season of American Horror Story, America’s most popular horror series. This show has been running for six seasons, each with its own theme. The producers have given us various themes such as Murder House, Asylum, Freak Show, Hotel, Roanoke, and Cult. All of the seasons circulate through a relatively similar cast, however, each tells a different story. The most recent season of AHS has taken the form of a post-apocalyptic world, foreshadowing the possible future of the United States.
In the first five seasons of the series, American Horror Story was an entertaining thriller that rarely focused on current events. It was also not a stranger to love affairs, humor, and disturbing imagery. However, in the more recent seasons such as Cult and Apocalypse, the show has taken a more realistic and empirical turn. Focussing more on current issues, Cult and Apocalypse seem to be expressing exaggerated portrayals of the United States and its present-day administration.
I will not reveal any spoilers about the first episode of the seventh season; however, it does carry many cliffhangers and attention-grabbing moments that are definitely worth noting. The first scene depicts a normal day in a modern world. Soon, however, things take a turn for the worse as people receive warnings of a missile capable of destroying all of mankind. As expected, people go absolutely berserk and very few make it out alive. These survivors did not escape out of luck. Instead, they were chosen because of their wealth or genetic makeup.
Multiple conspiracies have already begun questioning whether the termination of mankind was a devastating accident or a governmental plot. Demonic symbols and odd coincidences throughout the first episode make these conspiracies completely rational.
As the content of American Horror Story becomes more and more relatable, the more disturbing and fear-invoking it is. With its huge success and popularity, American Horror Story will continue to catch the attention of frivolous horror fanatics and thriller junkies in the years to come.