College Info Night
Picture by Eileen McGregor
October 14, 2018
College Information Night
The summation of the four years spent in high school is this question: what will you do with your life now? By senior year, the majority of students have an answer. Some will pursue a college education in the hopes that their choice of major will enable them a secure future. Others will go to a technical school and head straight into the workforce. However, while many students have already formulated a plan for their post-high school life, some are struggling to make these big life decisions. For those who are still uncertain about which schools they should apply to or need help on their already-started applications, College Info Night is a great opportunity. This year marked the 25th anniversary of College Information Night, an annual event where students can connect with schools, learn about the different routes available to them, and receive application help.
This particular year, College Info Night was held on September 24 from 4:30-7:00 P.M. in the H.W. Hunter Pavillion at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds. The event was open to all who wished to attend, allowing several students to take advantage of the evening. While there were certainly a large amount of upperclassmen present, there were also groups of interested freshmen and sophomores getting an early start on future decision-making.
There was a large palette of school representatives to sample from at College Information Night. Every UC and Cal State was in attendance, in addition to some technical colleges and notable private schools such as the University of Southern California and Pepperdine. Along with school information booths, there were also workshops for college and financial aid applications aimed at seniors who were seeking more resources and pointers during the harrowing application process.
Above all, College Information Night is a useful resource for all students. There are no downfalls to attending, no matter one’s grade level. Those who choose to take advantage of the night learn about a plethora of colleges – an especially fruitful experience for seniors that have the notion of college thrown at them or the juniors who just started receiving the flood of college promotions in their school inboxes. The chance to connect with colleges and add more options to decide on for the future is priceless. Make sure to take advantage of College Information Night next year!