Is Your Dad’s Music Popular Again?
Do you have that one vivid memory of being in the backseat of your parent’s car and singing along to the music while staring out the window pretending you’re in the ultimate music video? Oh no, that was just me? Well, one thing is for sure: music is always ever-changing. And as people, we change right along with it. We listen to different songs or artists who reflect our experiences and thoughts as we grow and learn. And as we grow older, the feeling of nostalgia comes back when we listen to certain songs. Lately, I observed what types of music my peers were listening to, and I found a pattern. It was all dad music!
Now whether your dad listened to rock, 70s disco, 80s hair bands, or maybe some do-wap from the 50s, it’s all great. And now, when Nirvana’s Heart-Shaped Box, Fleetwood Mac’s The Chain, or Elvis Presley’s Hound Dog comes on, you will recognize it. The list goes on and only gets better! Music speaks to us in every way. We as humans listen to music when we’re excited, when we need to pump ourselves up, or even when we’re at our lowest point. So the question remains, why do we enjoy older music so much? Well, there’s a scientific reason, and it is pretty simple. It feels better to us.
This is proven when we look at one of the best soundtracks in an action movie (according to my dad): Guardians of the Galaxy’s Awesome Mix (Vol. 1 and 2). Travel back to 2014 with me and let the sweet melodies of Fooled Around and Fell In Love by Elvin Bishop or the upbeat Ain’t No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell wash over you, all while watching the universe get saved once again. The soundtrack stayed in the charts for two straight weeks at the number one spot. When you examine the soundtrack, most might not even know the names of these songs, but the songs are so familiar. And that is why these songs stick with us, and we attach our lives to them as we listen. And if you take a look at the sequel to the film with new additions such as the 70s slow jam by The Looking Glass Brandy, You’re A Fine Girl (one of my favorite songs of all time), you can’t help but sing along. The success of the soundtrack boomed again. It’s a good feeling, but the familiarity with the music is what impacts us.
But when you think about it, that is what makes music so wonderful. Personally, my life would be mundane without music. Maybe those cheesy songs you heard growing up will find a special place in your heart and remind you of a fond memory. Always remember that no music is “objectively” better than another. We judge what music is good and what is not based on our thoughts. We pour our heart and soul into the melody, move our feet and body to the beat, and let our minds live in the lyrics.

Hi! My name is Kennedy, this is my second year in Journalism and I am happy to be here. Music still means the world to me, I can't go a day without it....