Love On Tour

Three nights at the Los Angeles Forum. Sold out. Not just any artist can achieve this. Harry Styles proves that he is, in fact, a rockstar. Still reeling from my show at the Forum, happiness floats through the air as thousands of well-dressed fans exit the arena.
My first thought was how amazing it must be to bring this many people together all in one place, singing and dancing as no one has ever seen. Then it was, “what’s that amazing smell? I am starving!” Then I went back to Styles, the power he has. His love and light shine onto us with every note.
At first glance, you would look around at the now emptying room and see devastation and tons of boa feathers (a glimpse into the fandom). But then you see the people, those who came with their families or friends who just experienced an hour and a half of pure bliss. The people he brings together.
For most, Harry means to love and to be kind. The man’s catchphrase is “Treat People With Kindness.” His fans echo his message and pass it on. When I think back to my show, I feel the excitement of getting all dressed up and singing along to the fruit man’s songs with my best friends. Walking up to the Forum and the feeling of restlessness in my seat—I waited for that moment for years. Everything I had prepared myself for went out the window once he rose from the middle of the stage.
A golden light glittered onto the crowd, and you could even feel Harry’s joy from 27 rows away. He loves the stage and gives everything he has once he steps onto it. And in return, the fans give their love back. As he danced and sang, my hands found another, and I grasped onto the melodies. The crowd was always in a continuous movement, whether a mosh pit or a line dance.
People who have never spoken before making lifelong friends; Harry helping a young girl come out to her mother, people getting engaged! These are just some of the things that happen on Love On Tour.
I was lucky to experience just one night, and I still can’t believe it wasn’t all some dream because Harry inspires me in so many ways. He encourages me not to be afraid to dare to be different. He stands for love and intelligence, and it isn’t very often that a person with a status like Styles can come around and make you feel so personally loved. But he’s here, and his name is Harry Styles.
A trailblazer in the music industry, fashion world, and bringer of light. I am pretty lucky to be alive simultaneously as him, and I can’t wait to see what comes next from him.

Hi! My name is Kennedy, this is my second year in Journalism and I am happy to be here. Music still means the world to me, I can't go a day without it....