Super IB Seniors
As the school’s top students, the senior IB class has a lot to handle. Many people marvel at how they manage to handle their workload, which would leave most in a perpetual state of exhaustion and regret. With half of the two-year program finished, most of the IB seniors are focusing on staying on track for one more year so they can secure their paths after high school.
Sarah Zhang keeps a positive outlook that will surely help her finish her senior year strong, saying “There are a lot of things on my plate right now, but I like being busy and working a lot.”
In order to get into one of her dream colleges, Sarah is extremely active both in and out of school. She is a member of ASB and a volunteer at the hospital. When she is not occupied with either of those things, she is honing her golf skills.
The schools Sarah is shooting for are either Pepperdine or USC. She, like many other high-schoolers, is not entirely sure what career path she will take, but she lists a few good options, saying “I would love to either work at the Center of Disease Control or in the sports or entertainment broadcasting industry.”
Similarly, Julia Wada is undecided on what she plans to major as in college. She explains that this makes it slightly difficult to decide which school will best suit her, but she hopes to get into a UC or Claremont college.
Julia’s main concern right now is preparing for SATs and IB tests, but that does not stop her from participating in a number of extra-curricular activities. She is an assembly commissioner for ASB and volunteers to help Hillview Middle School’s lego robotic and Science Olympiad teams. Julia also partakes in hobbies that suit her personal interests, such as playing the piano and learning Japanese.
Aside from all the stress of tests and college applications that these upcoming months are bound to bring, both seniors are looking forward to their final year at Quartz Hill. They are especially excited for the big events such as homecoming and prom as well as Senior
Sunrise and Sunset. Julia Wada also expresses her eagerness to meet the new junior IB students, hoping to “scare them with stories of work and sleepless nights.” This will certainly help her underclassmen keep a positive view of the next two years and encourage them to follow in her and Sarah’s footsteps.

Alyssa Hoffman is a high school student that is just trying her best. She joined the Ubiquity staff her junior year because she has an interest in writing...