Aaron Limb, Editor in Chief
Hey there, Royals! My name is Aaron Limb, and I am so excited to serve as The Ubiquity’s Editor-in-Chief for the 2024 – 2025 school year! Just a little rundown of my job: I’ll be editing articles, helping out staff writers, approving everything on this website, and ensuring our entire student body gets their quarterly newspaper!
Just a little bit about me, I enjoy watching chaotic Asian dramas and singing along to Hamilton in the shower. While I have been lacking time lately, I still try to find time to play online games with my old close friends.
At school, you will see me active in QHHS’ Science Olympiad, Key Club, or Tennis Team! Outside of school, I play the violin in the WCC orchestra and am an assistant instructor at my Taekwondo Dojang! Don’t hesitate to say hi or talk with me if you ever see me around. I’m always open to meeting new people!
Round 3, fight!
(2/21 Update)
Hey there, Royals!
Junior year has been tiring, to say the least. Being in IB, I have seen the effects of burnout firsthand, especially when trying to take care of myself and balance my extracurriculars.
But aside from that, I am terrified for the future that awaits. For most of my life, being stuck in a small bubble has made me feel scared of the vast world. Despite dreaming of moving out of the AV, maybe even across the country, part of me worries about the drastic change.
Anyway… Enough of that. I still have another year, not to worry about that!
I am so excited to provide you with TWO more quarterly newspapers and dozens more articles on this website. Also, look for videos and podcasts on our social media platforms