Do We Play Into Stereotypes?


Picture by Noor Gill

   A stereotype is defined as a widely held opinion about a particular person or thing.  Usually many factors come into play such as race, ethnicity, culture and more. However, could this be prevented? The answer is yes. The use of stereotypes is only defined by the fact that some are too ignorant to actually perceive what is happening.

   We play into stereotypes. For example, there is the idea that blondes are unintelligent; this could not be more untrue. Not only is it grouping people in one classification, but it is making an assumption about someone just because of their hair color. Why did this stereotype arise? Someone must have had a bad experience with a blonde person being unintelligent, and thereby made an assumption that everyone was like that. What does not help is when a few blondes (not all!) make idiotic choices. Therefore, the fault lies on both people: both the person making an assumption (which spreads) and the person who confirms the assumption.

   Another stereotype is that all Asians are good at math. Again, this is not true. While it is true that Asians do have a higher performance in education, that is solely due to the household they are raised in. The simple assumption that all Asians prosper at math is flawed. There are some who say that math is not their best subject. Some are good, while others are not. This can be seen as a compliment, but it can also be taken as a comparison. Either way, all stereotypes should be avoided.

   A stereotype expert, Helen, (her last name will not be disclosed due to her request) stated, “Stereotypes have arisen due to the fact that we are reluctant to do research accurately. We prefer to resort to stereotypes because it is easier to bolster up our own position and justify if we are not honest in analyzing our own opinions. So we stereotype them because that gives us an easier way out, for us to do less work, less research.”  

   We are all guilty of stereotyping and playing into stereotypes ourselves. When men dominate the science and engineering fields, it just “proves” the stereotype that men are smarter than women. When teens sneak out and disregard authority, it simply adds to the stereotype that all teenagers are rebels. We all play into stereotypes, knowingly or unknowingly.  

   However, now we know what we must do. In order to prevent ourselves from stereotyping, we must make sure that we do not confine someone to a category due to their backgrounds or actions and keep an open mind. Also, we must be able to do our own thing and not simply conform to what others expect.  

   In conclusion, yes, we do play into stereotypes, but if we keep an open mind and be true to ourselves, we can soon break past this.