6 Reasons Why Valentine’s Day Sucks


Picture by miderus.com

Ah, Valentine’s Day. The day of love, chocolates, and flowers. Here at Quartz Hill High School, the day is sure to be with giving boxes and flowers to their loved ones. Do not forget the good old Valentine’s Day drama either! Sure, Valentine’s Day is supposed to be a day about love, but it just is not anymore.  Valentine’s Day really has a bad side, hidden under all of those flowers.

1) All The Single People, Put Your Hands Up!

     Valentine’s Day is when couples get all cute and cuddly, but what about all the single-as-a-pringle people out there?  They do not have anyone to give anything to or even have anyone to receive something from!  In all honesty, Valentine’s Day is just another day to make single people feel bad about not being in a relationship.

2) A Day For Love?  Really?

     Is this really a major day? Valentine’s Day is specifically when all couples show each other love, but they should show love each and every day. It makes no sense to have a certain day to show how much you care. You should do it on a daily basis. “Oh, it’s Valentine’s Day. I’m going to shower you with affection and become a jerk tomorrow. Wait until next year to get any love from me!” Seriously?

3) PDA

     Here at Quartz Hill, you see couples wherever you go. Whether it is in hallways (or even in class), there is always that one couple that is always making out. This Valentine’s Day, it is probably going to be worse. They will be everywhere, holding hands, kissing, and smiling goofily everywhere you look. And I am happy for you if you are in a relationship, but excuse me, I really need to get to my class in Village, and you two are blocking the way.

4) Where’s that Gas Money?

     Not only is Valentine’s Day ridiculous in just the holiday sense, but it is ridiculously expensive.  Roses swing from $5 to $25 dollars in less than a week. Chocolates also become too pricey. If you are buying something for your boyfriend/girlfriend, you can be sure that there is going to be a hole in your pocket. And that is the financial forecast for February 14th.  

5) Social Media

Oh, I am sorry, you are in a relationship? I did not know. I could not possibly tell with you posting about all the gifts that he got you or the romantic candlelight dinner that he set up for you. Oh no, I could not possibly tell that you were having a blast on this day, even with all of the #bestboyfriendever hashtags that you were using. Really ladies?  I understand you are having a great day with all the love. But I am sitting here rewatching Stranger Things on Netflix while eating ice-cream because I do not care.

6) It’s Not Important.

     We have all heard this one. If February 14th was so important, we would all have a nice day off, a great day to relax. Well, snap out of it! We still have to go to school, so do not even try to convince me that February 14th actually matters.