Quartz Hill’s Week of Kindness


Picture by Cody Wilson

Francesco Pecile gives Michael Wood a back massage in the spirit of Kindness Week

Twice a year, ASB dedicates an entire week to spreading kindness through random acts and gestures. At Quartz Hill, Kindness Week occurs at the beginning and the end of the school year.  It is the perfect way to make new friends, along with showing appreciation to your old ones.

The first Kindness Week of the year began  on Monday, August 21. Taylor Heckenliable, a member of ASB, said, “We began the week by cutting out little paper flowers and giving them to students with lollipops attached. These gestures can make a student’s day.”

The student body worked extremely hard in preparation for this week.  Large rainbow colored letters spelling “KIND” were hung outside the 300 quad. They were later placed in front of the big gym, giving students time for great photo opportunities.  

Kennedy Porter, another ASB representative, said, “Kindness Week is a very positive thing that we do here at Quartz Hill, we reach out to people and be kind, make people feel good… I like to make people feel good.” This not only shows the positive impact this week has on the students receiving, but also the effect on those who are giving.

Throughout the entire week, spontaneous acts of kindness were carried out throughout the campus. ASB put heartfelt notes on desks, colorful clothes pins with uplifting messages were given out across campus, and music was played at both lunches.

Grace Evans, a Quartz Hill student, said, “I love Kindness Week, it’s the best week of the school year because everyone’s in such a good mood.”  If every student agrees with Grace’s statement, Kindness Week was definitely a success.