At the Hands of Mother Nature

January 2, 2019
Throughout the last two weeks at QHHS, several events have been going on, or have at least been advertised. December 3rd kicked off Spirit Week, and QHHS was quite occupied with different activities. Originally, there was an alleged rally announced for the Friday of that week, December 7th. There was also the Lip Sync Battle scheduled for Thursday of that same week, December 6th. However, both of these events were canceled and rescheduled for later dates due to the poor weather.
The cloudy weather and rain lead the inside event (Lip Sync Battle) to be rescheduled for the following Thursday, December 13th. Yet, new issues arose as the library was already occupied that day by the QHHS Mock Trial team. As of now, the Lip Sync Battle has been pushed back to January 25th of 2019.
In regards to the rally that had been advertised continuously during Spirit Week, it was rescheduled for the Wednesday of the following week of its cancellation. The intended guest speaker, however, was not able to make an appearance that day. The event was less of a rally, and more of a small gathering of people, as ASB simply played music during A & B lunch while proceeding with “Miracle Minute.” Song requests were taken for 50 cents and those running the rally proceeded to play that particular song. Although, due to the lack of participation – only about 15 song requests per lunch – most of the songs lingered in the air for a while. Unfortunately, the “rally” did not turn out how it was originally planned.
Overall, QHHS suffered at the hands of mother nature during the first week of December. The rain derailed the events of the week and even clubs were going awry, as some were canceled on the heaviest days. This just goes to show that despite the fact Southern California is in need of rain, we are certainly not equipped to handle it when we do happen to receive it.