The Treasures That Survived the Notre-Dame Cathedral Fire

By Brandon Kim, Staff Writer

On April 15, a nightmare became a reality at the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris, when the roof of the cathedral supposedly burst into flames from an electric short circuit. The ancient cathedral suffered serious damage from the fire, including the destruction of its iconic spire and stone vaulted ceiling. However, the building was not the only thing that was endangered by the fire. Several priceless treasures were jeopardized, but were miraculously saved from the fire. Sadly, some of the ancient artifacts required special keys to access, which no one had, destroying the other works in the flames. Nevertheless, artifacts including the Crown of Thorns, Notre-Dame’s iconic rose glass windows, the tunic of St. Louis, and other items were saved from the fire.

  1. The Crown of Thorns,w_727,c_fit/

The Crown of Thorns was rumored to have been worn by Jesus himself during his crucifixion, and has been preserved in a crystal tube since 1896. The crown had been locked in a chest inside the church that none of the members of the church could open. As the flames began to move closer to the chest, people inside of the building were forced to break open the chest and they successfully managed to save the crown.

  1. The Great Organ

The Great Organ in the Notre-Dame cathedral was another one of the few artifacts that survived the fire. It is famed as one of the largest instruments in the world, and bears an estimate of about 8,000 pipes. The organ is one of two found within the cathedral, but the condition of the organ after the fire has yet to be confirmed.

  1. Church Treasures×407/f1f75f34ab7dc1250a332578ed8ca4b6/rtx6rweg.jpg

Church treasures like candelabras and gilded furniture were also among the items that were saved from the fire. It was reported that the items would be moved to the Louvre Museum for safekeeping.

  1. Stained Glass Windows

The enourmous stained glass windows of the cathedral were able to withstand the blazes of the fire from the roof. The windows date back to as early as the 13th century, and are among one of the most iconic pieces of artwork in the cathedral.