Mr. Herman’s Life Lessons


By Shruthi Kumar, Arts and Entertainment Editor

Now, personally, as a junior, I will begin thinking about senior year and my adult obligations at the start of summer. Yes, my parents have already started to ask me about my college applications and yes, my family is already anxiously waiting for news of my college destination, but that isn’t going to be for a while. Right now, all I want to do is make it to the summer. Of course, the summer holds no relief for me, seeing how I have a two day break before I return to school for Theory of Knowledge, a required class for the IB course. Nevertheless, I digress.

    If you’re a senior, however, things are a different story. You check out in a week or so, you’ve pretty much decided where you’re going to go, and you’re ready to get out of school. Graduation seems to be so far away, then suddenly your parents are looking at you, in your cap and gown, from the bleachers. Your life is now completely in your own hands–and that’s concerning. Your food, living, wellbeing, everything seems to be resting on your shoulders, and now graduating doesn’t seem that great.

    If you’re having an existential crisis over your impending adulthood, don’t fear. Our friendly AP Calculus teacher, Mr.Herman, is coming in clutch with his life lessons. Sure, this course might not be listed on the sheets we got a few months ago, but it’s definitely worth it.

    For the next three weeks, Mr. Herman has been going over different things to know about real life with his senior students. The first few lessons began with helpful videos about colleges. In my Calculus BC class, we watched videos about stereotypes of UC schools, what to know for freshman year, and more. For the next few lessons, Mr. Herman took us on a trip back to his past as well. He explained his experience with his college, life, and relationships. He explained clearly what he had done through his years, and why he did it.

    Now, approaching the second week, the lesson topics have deviated. Mr. Herman has taken to preparing the seniors for the hardships they might encounter financially. The AP Calculus teacher went over the projected cost of college, and even extensively went over the projected spending over the next few years. Students got a broader perspective on what exactly they would have to take into account when they are living by themselves. Mr. Herman also talked the students through a financial plan to carry them all the way to their retirement stage.

    So if you’re worrying about your future, consulting the Star Wars lord in room 116 might be a great idea.