How Does Social Media Affect College Decisions?

It is no secret that social media has become a large part of our lives. From its humble beginnings on Facebook, social media has indeed taken the world by storm. With its main demographic being teenagers, you can find all sorts of information there—from the most recent celebrity breakups to adorable puppies; the amount of information is endless. 

During the month of March, seniors all over the world are stressed due to their college decisions that will soon be received. What does social media have to do with college decisions? Though it may not have been as prevalent back then, social media plays an important role in the college admissions process now more than ever. 

When faced with a difficult decision, college admission officers will scroll through their applicants’ social media to see if there is anything that could negatively impact the students’ admission. Just to be safe, it is recommended that high school students do not post anything on their Instagram that could hurt them in the long term. If your social media appears to support discrimination, violence, or illegal activities, consider yourself excluded from any colleges. On the other hand, social media can actually benefit you in some cases. If your social media contains club activities, creativity, and academic awards, many college admission officers will see this as a bonus to your application. Essentially, social media is a double-edged sword that can help or harm you during the application process. 

There can also be a personal impact on a student’s well-being. Oftentimes when seniors are accepted into their dream university, they will post on their social media about this amazing news. However, for those who did not get into their first choice, it can take a heavy toll on their mental health, more specifically, their confidence. 

It is hard to say whether social media is good or bad. Because social media has become such a significant part of our lives, universities are simply adapting to the times. Many universities around the world have created social media accounts so they can reach a wider audience. Students can receive updates from their dream school through notifications and posts. If there is one thing you take away from this, it’s to make sure you stay safe on the internet and be aware of what you post because you never know when it will come back to haunt you.