How would you explain your education to people outside the United States? Would it be described as leagues above other countries? Or would you criticize the education system and praise other countries’ superior systems? Is your reaction based on logical comparison to other countries, or does it stem from disliking how the educational system is run? The American Education system is based on a liberal arts philosophy. In comparison, Europe’s lengthy history has shaped its education and is said to provide the best education for citizens. Which is the best education between American and European education? Would you have received a better education in another country?
The PISA reports are standardized tests in language arts, math, and science that allow for a comparison between American and other countries’ education. They are taken by 15-year-old students every 3 years, the most recent study was in 2022. On average, America falls between Denmark and Sweden in the middle of European countries. America scored a 1468 overall while most European countries are in the 1430s. However, America falls behind in mathematics, which is under the world average. In mathematics, America scored 465, which is under most European countries which scored between 471 to 489. The United Kingdom scored the highest with 489. Even though it is below the world average, overall America surpasses many other European countries, so they are similar through statistics. To define which is better, let’s look at the differences in their schooling.
American education is broad and general, while European education is more tailored to the student’s wants. All three levels of education in America–elementary, middle, and high school–teach general knowledge about math, English, science, and history. There are stricter requirements for each state, but there is minor specialization. Instead, students focus on their careers through extracurricular activities or enrolling in higher-level classes such as advanced placement classes. Also, in college, the first 2 years are considered general education, and a major does not need to be decided during this time. While European education differs between countries, it is generally more specialized than American education. For example, in Britain, in 11th and 12th grade, there are few classes to choose from, but all classes students aim to pursue. In Europe, there are also alternatives to high school. In Germany, for example, students can choose an economics school, an arts school, or general education for university. American education gives students variety in their learning and the flexibility to change subjects. At the same time, Europe locks students into a career and allows them to devote their time to it.
The contrast between broad and narrow education is demonstrated in the differences between standardized testing. American schooling implements multiple standardized tests to examine how well students and teachers are doing. These tests are usually broad and motivate teachers to teach more broadly to match these tests. For college admission, the SAT and ACTs are all-around knowledge. At the same time, most European countries have standardized tests, several of each specialize in a subject. “Maturas” are exams that are necessary to apply for universities. Each country has different Maturas, but students can have some variety in their Matura based on their future careers. For example, Poland’s Maturas has students who tested on Polish literature, foreign language, mathematics, and an extended subject of their choice. Though these tests are mandatory for high-level education, standardized tests in America can only aid in college admission.
The American education system supports multiple extracurricular activities, while it isn’t prioritized in Europe. America’s education system funds multiple sports programs and encourages students to join clubs. On the other hand, European schools do not value extracurriculars, and many don’t even offer sports. European schools focus more on the coursework and rigor of their classes. In Europe, athletes search out organizations, independent of school, to continue their love for the sport. American education allows more variety and flexibility outside of school, while in Europe, academics are the primary focus.
So what is better, a broad education or a specialized education? A broad education allows a well-rounded student with access to succeed in any subject they please. It also allows students to change majors quickly. While these are good points, a specialized education is better. This cuts out any unnecessary general classes. Time won’t be wasted learning information that never pertains to your career. This makes specialized schools more efficient. A broad education system does allow people unsure of their career to have more time to choose. But a structured system would help you choose your major earlier and then benefit from an efficient system. America’s wide variety of after-school programs is a benefit, but Europe’s pure focus on education has its benefits. Without a fixation on extracurricular activities, admission to colleges in Europe comes strictly from your school performance. As your curriculum is based on your future major, admission to colleges is based on your skill in the future major. European specialized education allows a simple way to pursue your major throughout your education career.