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The Ubiquity

The student news site of Quartz Hill High School

The Ubiquity

The student news site of Quartz Hill High School

The Ubiquity

Jillian Kleespies, Staff Writer

Hey there, this is Jillian Kleespies coming at you from a random room with an empty can of soda, and too much homework for the first week of school (in my opinion). Not much to say about myself, but that you should get to know me in-person and I’ll figure out something to the point your ears start to bleed. 

This is my first year in Journalism. When not writing or reading, you’ll find me yelling at movies (or y’know, watching it silently like a polite person) or watching Doctor Who—as if the secrets of life itself will be revealed in its dialogue (although if you ask me they pretty much are). I also cook and bake when I am in the right mood. I might torture my cat with endless hugs and play times (we all know she loves it). Or I might be a good big sister and annoy my little brother to death. Finally, when the day is good and done, I’ll FaceTime my cousin and talk her ears off for hours at a time. 

That about sums everything up (until I remember a thousand other things that could have been mentioned). Well as the French say (remind me to learn French) au revoir!


January 30, 2023 Update

Wow, another semester is done and gone. Is this a mid-life crisis? (Remind me not to get old). Well, if you’re still reading and, for some reason, dying to know what I’ve been up to, here we go. 

I joined the choir, which is fantastic, by the way. I got a cold for the last two months of last semester and did random stuff at home, such as learning to crochet and beginning to learn how to longboard. Then I got sick of the Twelfth Doctor and went back to the good old days of Ten. I also became unhealthily obsessed with the series Wednesday. Also, a new look for the new year, with new glasses, a haircut, and some new clothes. 

Other than that, not much. See you all out there this semester!

All content by Jillian Kleespies