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The student news site of Quartz Hill High School

The Ubiquity

The student news site of Quartz Hill High School

The Ubiquity

The student news site of Quartz Hill High School

The Ubiquity

Aden Wang

Aden Wang, Copy Editor

Hi, it’s me, Aden, again, returning for a second year of journalism.  Nothing much has changed since the last entry, but I think it’s still required to elaborate.  Born June 16, 2008, I’m a junior this year.  I am the oldest of 2 and usually am the man of the house unless my father is off work.  I usually have to cook and clean in place of my mother because they always work so much.  It’s probably unique that I wasn’t born in this country and immigrated alone at six years old, but I think others have gone through that, too.  However, it is cool that I am bilingual, speaking English and Chinese.  This year, I started working as a copy editor, which is the general editor who looks over every article.  I don’t think there’s anything else of interest, so that’s it.

(2/21 Update)

Hello Readers!

I’m Aden Wang! Staff Writer and Copy Editor of the Ubiquity! Chances are you have read my articles without knowing who I was, and that’s alright. I’ve written mainly about opinion, voicing myself on paper for people to see. However, I rarely appear in the physical newspaper, so I’m sort of exclusive to the website. I mainly write about things I see online or events coming up. For example, I wrote about Halloween and Valentine’s Day and reported on gun regulations and extracurricular activities. Journalism isn’t a career I’m too interested in, but it’s a great class and a way to get my voice out there! With that said, this concludes my introduction. Happy reading!


All content by Aden Wang