Faculty Spotlight! The Exciting Mrs. Martinez
To many students on campus, Mrs. Martinez is just another English teacher; but to those who have had the privilege of being in her class, she is a friend. Mrs. Martinez works in Quartz Hill High School’s English department and is our very own Journalism and Yearbook advisor.
She has been a Quartz Hill High School teacher for 20 years and describes her everyday experience as feeling “at home,” which she enjoys most about our school. She graduated from Quartz Hill High School in 1998 and was inspired to become a teacher by her undying admiration for reading. She expressed, “I have loved reading since I was a small child. I would fake being sick to stay home and read my books all day. I guess I just wanted to pass that on to others.”
She believes that, in many ways, being a teacher is her dream job. The good days have always overpowered challenging days. If Mrs. Martinez had not become a teacher, she believes she would have gone into editing. It is safe to say that she forms great connections with her students, and each and everyone is grateful that she chose this path. In a class setting, Mrs. Martinez is never boring. Whether it be an interesting book for the class to read, or a fun game to help us learn a subject, there is never a dull moment and so much laughter. She revealed that her favorite part of being a teacher is actually when her students enjoy the books and the games played in her class.
Although assignments are not always exciting, Mrs. Martinez will always consider our mental health and personal lives when it comes to deadlines. Her flexibility with her students is just another perk of being in her class.
Mrs. Martinez does not limit having fun just to her classroom. In her free time, she enjoys reading a good book and has even set a goal for herself to read a book a week this year (which she is still on track for!) After all, she always tells her students, “If you hate reading, then you haven’t found the right book yet.” She also enjoys watching shows on Netflix and playing video games. Mrs. Martinez added, “When I have finished my book of the week and can’t find something to watch, I play Nintendo Switch. My favorite game is ‘Dr. Mario.’ I have to make many decisions daily, and ‘Dr. Mario’ requires little effort. It’s my way to unwind.” Mrs. Martinez believes spending lots of time with her family is extremely important. She says, “Our favorite thing to do is get together and play board games. Settlers of Catan is a family favorite.” She keeps the fun consistent both at home and at work!
With all her glory, humor, and passion for teaching, we thank Mrs. Martinez from the bottom of our hearts for not only being a mentor in our education but a friend that we can turn to. Don’t let your spark die; thank you for all the experiences, Mrs. Martinez!

Hey guys! I’m Martina Brajanovska, and I’m finally a senior! It’s been a long journey getting here, but I’m very excited that we made it. The past...