Faith Crossan, Staff Writer
“To love the hibiscus, you must first love the monsoon” - Hala Alyan, “Thirty”
The past four years have felt like a monsoon. And now, as the clouds are parting, I can finally see the hibiscus blooming. I’m so grateful for the years I’ve spent at Quartz Hill High School, specifically the time I have finished growing in Journalism. Writing for The Ubiquity has genuinely changed my life and allowed me to find meaning in myself, my words, and my thoughts. In lieu of sounding too pretentious, I wholeheartedly will cherish the moments I spent late at night, pouring the thoughts I didn’t know held any gravity onto a page.
When I’m not writing for the newspaper, I’ll write my college essays and cry into my childhood stuffed animals. As a senior, I hope to curate my writing and watch my opinions mature with me. I hope you can see my growth too! As always, thank you for checking out my writing and allowing me to give my unwarranted opinions every month.
January 30, 2023 Update
Writing this final bio update is incredibly bittersweet. The next time you hear from me-- if you hear from me-- I’ll be walking the stage at graduation, waving my farewell to Quartz Hill’s campus. Hopefully, this summer, I’ll be addressing my moving boxes to Portland, Oregon, where I applied to Reed College. I hear back from my early decision application in February, so while I’d love to grant you good news in my goodbye, I don’t have any in the regard yet. If I’m not in Portland, I’ll likely be in San Francisco at Dominican University of California!
No matter where I land, I can assure you of one thing: I’ll write until I run out of words.
Journalism has given me so much and began my interest in writing. I’ll forever be indebted to my fellow staff members and you readers for allowing me to find my passion. Thank you, and I hope you’ll see my name in more publications!